Slow API Requests and Timeouts


I’m not sure exactly what is going on, but I am experiencing slow API requests and timeouts using the Mockaroo-Node NPM package.

I have been experiencing issues only this morning, but using this yesterday (and anytime before that), I’ve only had issues when I’ve reached my daily limit. I’ve checked, and my limit has not been reached.

I am currently using a free account while I wait for approval at my company for an upgrade, if that makes a difference.

Though I am using the node package, I can see the structure of my request URL is: (<APIKey>&count=1&array=true)

Trying this request in Postman results in the same slow responses/timeouts.

This is the error I receive: could not obtain a connection from the pool within….063 seconds); all pooled connections were in use

Is there something I am completely missing?

Everything seems to be working again, so I’m assuming it was an issue on the Mockaroo API server end?

In any case, is there a way I can view the server status to help troubleshoot issues like this in the future?

Ditto. Ever since today (yesterday no problem) I am getting timeouts when I call Request{method=GET, url=…}

It appears we’ve hit a milestone in demand. I’ve made some adjustments that should give us ample headroom going forward.

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I am still having the same issue. is there something changed, it is just the API being extremely slow until timeout

@mockaroo I appreciate your response.

I am still unable to consistently generate data, and it seems to now be blocking all of my requests due to some CORS issue.

Could you please let me know what is going on and an ETA of remedy? I was able to upgrade our account yesterday, and now I can’t use this at all.

Please advise.

Should have that fixed today. I think I know what happened.

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I’m back in business today! Thanks for your quick attention to this.

Out of curiosity, is this working using POST to generate JSON?

I am still getting 502 errors trying to make those requests, but it seems GET (at least to get the Mockaroo Types) works without issue.

I figured out what my issue was – using the mockaroo-node package, it defaults the base URL for the requests to simply be instead of

I was able to set the host option to, and everything works again.

It is a bit strange that it was working prior to whatever changes were made, but leaving this here for anyone else who may run into the same issue.

I’m not sure who is maintaining the mockaroo-node package, but I have submitted a PR to add the missing array URL parameter to the npm package. I wouldn’t mind updating the default host (and updating dependencies) if there were someone with write access to take a look.

@mockaroo am geeting internal server error while requesting, i am facing this issue for last two days

I’ve updated the mockaroo node package to use now.

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