I have a schema that generates insurance policy data. I pull policy type ids from an existing dataset using ‘custom’. I vary the ids I pull in based on some rules (this works fine). The next field in the schema generates a price for the policy. Rather than randomly assign numbers I set up a scenario for all 10 policy type ids that could get pulled in via in the prior field. Each policy id (1 to 10) has a mean value and a standard deviation defined. When I do a preview I get no value back in the price column. Any ideas? Is there an issue where the value of policy id is not set at the time the system is trying to apply the scenario? I made sure the price field was in the schema after the policy id was defined.
It must be that none of the rules in the scenario are matching. Can you post the share link at the bottom of the schema?
It looks like the field in the scenario is named incorrectly. The “policy_types” field should be “policy_type_id” so that it matches the name of the field in your schema.
OK. So it is looking for the field name from the Dataset lookup not the field name in the schema itself. That was not clear. Thanks - will give it a shot.
Corrected - I see I just picked the wrong name when the row wrapped on the screen. I see the error.