Passing Min/Max Date Range For Api Call

Is there a way to pass a min/max date within an api call to only generate dates within that range?

For instance, I have a schema, test, with a date field birthDate, and a min of 1/1/1950 and max of 12/31/1995. I’ve created an API using that schema, and would like to pass in a min and max so the schema only generates birthDates within the passed in range.

I have it set up like this:
schema “test”
set “birthDate”, min: params[‘minDate’], max: params[‘maxDate’]
generate 10

and I’ll try to call it with:

but the dates that are returned are within the original range I set, not the passed in value. I’ve played around trying to pass in the date in various formats, but haven’t been able to get dates working.

Am I missing something? Thanks!