No string type?

I feel like I must be missing something obvious. There are cases where I’d like to return a simple string, either statically with the same value for every instance of the field or sometimes via a formula, but I don’t see a ‘string’ field type. I’ve been using the ‘Blank’ field type and a formula. This solution seems to work fine, but it feels wrong, and definitely looks wrong in the schema designer, as it is literally saying that the field should be blank, except that it never is because of the formula. How should I be doing this?

Would a Regular Expression work?


I’m certain it would, using Blank works now, I’m guessing that since I’m using a formula and JSON output that most data types would. But that still feels “wrong” to me – if I know that what I really mean is simply “string” then it feels like there should be a string data type. Functionality-wise not much difference, but it seems much cleaner than bastardizing some other data type.

Can you share how you are using the Blank plus a formula to get the same text value to show?
I’m trying to do the same with no luck.

Set the field type to Blank and the formula as: if true then "Your string here." end.