Need some help with numeric distribution

I have a good handle on string distributions, but how do i go about a numeric? for instance, i would like to see a list from 1-100 i would like to see 50% between 40-60. and the rest on the the other numbers?

In Mockaroo you can use the Normal Distribution type. You can set a mean and standard deviation to get close to what you want.

If, however, you want exactly 50% to be between 40 and 60, you’d need to do that with the Formula type. For example:

[random(40, 60), [random(0, 39), random(61, 100)].sample].sample

Another way (with formulas) to get 50% might be to do your “odd rows” as random(40,60) and the even rows as [random(0, 39), random(61, 100)].sample

Maybe create a hidden row containing the RowNumber which can then be used to evaluate odd & even