JSON Array Nesting Question

Trying to create a JSON array that looks like the following:
“id”: “0000000000”,
“phoneNumber”: “0000000000”,
“type”: “count”,
“createDate”: “2022-03-16T16:09:15.570Z”,
“lastUpdate”: “2022-03-16T16:10:15.570Z”,
“ver”: “1.0”,
“npiCount”: {
“1234567890”: 11,
“9876543210”: 2,
“7645371819”: 5,
“6536381891”: 1

The issue I am having is generating the “npiCount” field. Where it opens with a Curly Braces{} and not a Square Bracket[]. Plus the values inside the Curly Braces are a NPI number and an integer but neither of the values have a “field name” and there will be multiple entries between the Curly braces.

I need some help with the schema. I have tried npiCount[1-10] “Custom List” but that gives me Square Brackets ([]) and no Curly Braces ({}). I have also tried npiCount “JSONArray” but I still get Square Brackets.