How can we ensure that Mockaroo generate real US addresses (Door No Street, City and State)

We have a requirements where we would like to display the location of the address on a google map. Hence we need real US addresses that can be located on a Map


Did you ever receive and answer to this? I have the same requirement for real addresses.

Just FYI, there is nothing that Mockaroo can do to ‘generate’ an address.
If you want accurate geolocation data for an address you could get it from:

Be aware this is a Massive (capital M!) dataset.

I solved this requirement by loading my random set of ‘real’ addresses as a large CSV datasource file, and then randomly picked rows from this dataset by doing a lookup using row ID.
i.e. my first column in my CSV is a sequentially increasing integer column called ‘AddrRow’, so if I have 10000 addresses in my CSV, the first column will run from 1 to 10,000 and then my schema retrieves rows like this

Field1: __id type: Number min:1 max: 10000 (or number of addresses in your CSV) decimals: 0
Field2: door_no type: Formula: from_dataset(“Addresses”,“door_no”, “AddrRow”: __id)
Field3: street type: Formula: from_dataset(“Addresses”,“street”, “AddrRow”: __id)
Field4: city type: Formula: from_dataset(“Addresses”,“city”, “AddrRow”: __id)
Field5: state type: Formula: from_dataset(“Addresses”,“state”, “AddrRow”: __id)
Field6: latitude type: Formula: from_dataset(“Addresses”,“latitude”, “AddrRow”: __id)
Field7: longitude type: Formula: from_dataset(“Addresses”,“longitude”, “AddrRow”: __id)

Note: Field1 (__id) is just acting as a random number generator between 1 and 10,000 and that provides the key lookup in the following fields/columns which retrieves that row and specific column in my sample CSV file of real addresses. It is not part of the final dataset by using the double underscore technique.