I have the following Json that I want to mock data based on:
{ "name": "A12345", "objectType": "PMDM.PRD.ExternalSourceRecord", "parent": "EXT.PL-KaraffenDekanter", "values": { "PMDM.AT.SKU": { "value": { "value": "11223344" } } } }
However when I try to mock it, I set the “values” parent as values.PMDM.AT.SKU.value.value and I get this:
[{ "name": "A12345", "objectType": "PMDM.PRD.ExternalSourceRecord", "parent": "EXT.PL-KaraffenDekanter", "values": { "PMDM\\.AT\\.SKU": { "value": { "value": "11223344" } } } }]
My question is, how can I properly escape the dots, remove the \ or whatever gets me to generate the schema I am open to. Thanks