I’m not sure the current Time generator supports this. If I put in 9AM as the first time and 3AM as the next time, it will generate times as if I had specified them the other way around, so all I get are times between 3AM and 9AM.
I am trying to mock up data for a series of pubs with sales after midnight, so what I need is to generate a time which starts after they open (which will be on date T but the date itself is unimportant) and closes at the second time on date T+1 (again the date itself is not important; I am generating the date elsewhere.
So, in my example, all my times would be from 9am until midnight, or from midnight until 3am, but nothing between 3AM and 9AM. Hope this makes sense.
So is there any way for me to do this? Or will have to resort to some ruby in a formula (which I am trying to avoid as I’m not a Ruby developer.)