I’d like to take the mongodb object id and extract the id itself, instead of getting the object id. The reason is that whenever I try to use the json in the code that builds the seed in my database it won’t cast the id, but when it’s a string instead of an object it works fine.
So, I want this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "577d7a19fc13ae11f300aeea"
to be this:
"_id": "577d7a19fc13ae11f300aeea"
So far, I’ve tried using
return this.send(:$oid)
but I don’t have access to ruby methods. And
return this.$oid
but that returned a syntax error.
I’m a ruby novice. How can I just get the string and not the object?
Update: Well, for now I’m just using a regex like this: