Exciting Announcement: Introducing Fabricate

Hi everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Fabricate, a powerful new tool designed for generating large-scale relational databases with ease. If you’re familiar with Mockaroo, think of Fabricate as its big brother—specifically engineered to handle the creation of massive, interrelated tables.

Here’s what Fabricate brings to the table:

AI-Powered Database Generation: You can either build your database schema from scratch or upload your SQL DDL. Fabricate’s AI will intelligently parse the DDL and automatically map tables and columns to its rich set of built-in data types.

Seamless Foreign Key Management: Easily define foreign key relationships and specify the number of rows for each table, with cardinality-based generation that ensures your data scales intelligently.

Unmatched Performance: Need huge volumes of data? Fabricate is built for speed. The engine, written in Rust, delivers performance that’s orders of magnitude faster than Mockaroo, so you can generate data at scale without breaking a sweat.

CI/CD Integration: Streamline your testing and development pipelines. With Fabricate’s CLI, you can effortlessly generate and bulk load data into any new or existing database, making it a perfect fit for automated workflows.

I’m incredibly excited to share this with the community and would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to give Fabricate a try and let me know what you think!