Error: missing keyword: :schema


I am trying to generate data set using mackaroo.
Expected data set:

		"id": 1,
		"first_name": "Dunstan",
		"last_name": "Whyte",
		"email": "",
		"gender": "Male",
		"events": [{
				"id": 1
				"name": "Birthday Party"

Here is the screenshot with respect to the column and its types

Till 30-06-2023, It was working fine and also generates the expected results as shown above.
But for not is shows me error.
"error: missing keyword: :schema"

		"id": 1,
		"first_name": "Dunstan",
		"last_name": "Whyte",
		"email": "",
		"gender": "Male",
		"events": "error: missing keyword: :schema"
	}, {
		"id": 2,
		"first_name": "Darrel",
		"last_name": "Tredinnick",
		"email": "",
		"gender": "Male",
		"events": "error: missing keyword: :schema"

Please suggest a solution to fix the error "error: missing keyword: :schema", or any alternate for it.

For implementation, I followed this documentation.

Thank you

This should now be fixed.

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