Concatenation with condition

I have to columns namely “ID_Siswa” and “ID_Kota” like picture below.
I have a column too namely “NRP_Siswa”, this column represent concatenation both “ID_Kota” + “ID_Siswa”. But between “ID_Kota” and “ID_Siswa”, it must be number format “31184000000”
I try to use this syntax:
IF (‘ID_Siswa’) < 10 THEN SET (‘NRP_Siswa’) = CONCAT(field(‘ID_Kota’), ‘31184000000’, field(‘ID_Siswa’));
ELSEIF (‘ID_Siswa’) < 100 THEN SET (‘NRP_Siswa’) = CONCAT(field(‘ID_Kota’), ‘3118400000’, field(‘ID_Siswa’));
ELSE SET (‘NRP_Siswa’) = CONCAT(field(‘ID_Kota’), ‘311840000’, field(‘ID_Siswa’));

But, it shows me that the syntax is error :frowning:
Anybody can help me, please?

I think this is what you are looking to do, please check it out:

Updated formula:
if field('ID_Siswa') < 10 then concat(field('ID_Kota'),'31184000000',field('ID_Siswa')) elseif field('ID_Siswa') < 100 then concat(field('ID_Kota'),'3118400000',field('ID_Siswa')) else concat(field('ID_Kota'),'311840000',field('ID_Siswa')) end