I just saw that was included some support to firebase, what is amazing. I already added a lot of schemas, but it would be really helpfull if there was (or there is) a way to change the field name to an ID of other dataset, to simulate relationshipments between paths of data. For example, I created these JSON objects:
“-LT8ssdkiZpt2BiFnTzb”: {
“created”: “1544789891”,
“modified”: “1544789891”,
“foto”: “https://redcross.org/”,
“name”: “Ferdinanda”,
“email”: “[email protected]”,
“telefone”: “8864-4523”
“-LT8t730pusw5AQ7tdm9”: {
“created”: “1547431202”,
“modified”: “1547431202”,
“nome”: “Lasiodora parahybana”,
“periodo”: {
“inicio”: 1547689202,
“final”: 1547947202
“status”: true
And I have a structure that use this two IDs and say if they are relationed:
“-LT8ssdkiZpt2BiFnTzb”: {
“-LT8t730pusw5AQ7tdm9”: true
So, I need take two values of others datasets structures, using Dataset Columns Type, to use as keys (“fields_name”) in other schmas. There is already something that I can do and did not notice or it would be some new feature?