Changing column order

I made a suggestion a while back I would find it handy to have a template/base class of schema that allowed me to develop a core of similar datasets and then if I had to change to original it would relatively easy to create the variants that depended on it. Perhaps that was a big ask.

It would be very helpful, however, to be able to order the columns more easily. Dragging up the page works ok but because the lines relatively deep/tall it means dragging to a point, stopping, scrolling and going again. Is there a chance of getting a reorder feature that just has a single line for each column or even a “compressed view” so that columns can be moved up and down?


I found a workaround: zoom the browser screen so you can see source field and where it should. Drag. Worked for me this time.

I’ve implemented something that I hope will make this easier. You can now double-click on the drag handle to bring up a more compact display that makes it easier to reorder large lists. There is a tooltip when you mouse over the field drag handle as a reminder. Let me know how that works out for you. Thank you for the suggestion!

That works and is quicker thanks .