Can you combine elsif with from_dataset lookups?

I’d like to look up prices in different datasets based on product type. Right now my schema works with just one product type:

from_dataset(“Frames”,“Retail Price”, ProductID: field(‘ProductID’))

But I’d like to extend it others (product type = frame, lens, contact lenses etc.)

if field(‘ProductType’) == ‘frame’ then from_dataset(“Frames”,“Retail Price”, ProductID: field(‘ProductID’)) elsif
if field(‘ProductType’) == ‘lens’ then from_dataset(“Lens”,“Retail Price”, ProductID: field(‘ProductID’)) end

Right now I am getting a Syntax error in formula. Not sure if it’s just a typo or if I should be using something other than elsif: Please advise! Thanks.

Link to schema:

Looks like a typo. You don’t need the extra “if” after “elsif”.