Using a field value in a dataset result

I am trying to use a field value in a dataset column result.

I’ve tried:

  1. concat(‘Take advantage of this special offer and we will reward your perfect choice - with a $50 Gift Card to ‘,field(‘DealerName’),’.’)
  2. Take advantage of this special offer and we will reward your perfect choice - with a $50 Gift Card to field(‘DealerName’).

None of which work. Is it possible to use a field value in a dataset result?

Create an invisible field __dealername and load the Dealer data into it. Then use a formula to concatenate the data (I am using a simple + symbol instead of concat):


The problem is I need to add field(‘DealerName’) value into a from_dataset() result. I suppose following your example, I could load the from_dataset() result into a hidden field and then run a formula field on it.

Although, this is not optimal because there are many various field(’’) values that I would like to add and that will require a pretty large formula statement. I was hoping there was a cleaner way.

Ah, I understand. The only way I could think of on how to do that would require the Ruby eval() function. Unfortunately that function is not available for security reasons. You’ll get an “error: Access denied to method eval.” message.

Thanks for confirming my suspicion.

Let’s say for instance you have this Dataset with 2 fields, LookupKey and DealerName.

Link to schema-

Now we want to lookup a DealerName using join criteria of the from_dataset() function.
This schema has 2 fields, id and Message. The id is just a formula type with Random(1,1000). We will use this field to lookup a DealerName from the dataset.

Link to schema-

Hope this helps you out.