Generate a JSON value

How do I generate a JSON value like below

“name”: {
“full_name” : “Kees, Yanaton”, // Mockaroo generated value using function/formula
“first_name” : “Yanaton”, // Mockaroo generated value using function/formula
“last_name”:“Kees” // Mockaroo generated value using function/formula


You need to identify the name elements as being within the array by preceding the field name with the array name and dot(.):

  • name.first_name
  • name.last_name
  • name.full_name

then set full name as a ‘Template’ field type and create the combined string:
{last_name}, {first_name}
See example:

If they must be in the order you have in the question, then you need to first create the first name and last name as hidden fields (precede with two underscores (__):

  • name.__first_name
  • name.__last_name

Then return all three fields as template fields.

Thank you for giving an example I used it to come up with the JSON structure I needed - the value of the field has to be an object NOT an array of objects.