Adding nested fields together

Hey i’m trying to add ‘Present’, ‘Missing’,’ AuthorisedAbsences’ and ‘UnauthorisedAbsenses’ and total them in the ‘Possible’ field. At the moment i’m getting not found. Please can someone help me out.


I found a work around for you.

Thanks @marc.boggs for looking but the XML needs to look like this -

Where Possible is the total fore the other fields below it.

@mockaroo do you in all your divine wisdom know how to achieve this?

many thanks

Something like this?
<record> <StudentKpis> <StudentKpi> <LocalId>5ab02eee-4b0b-4c45-9626-23c117d2459f</LocalId> <Attendance> <Possible>242</Possible> <Present>95</Present> <Missing>60</Missing> <AuthorisedAbsences>79</AuthorisedAbsences> <UnAuthorisedAbsences>8</UnAuthorisedAbsences> </Attendance> </StudentKpi> </StudentKpis> </record>

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@marc.boggs thats perfect, thankyou :slight_smile:

@marc.boggs is there a way of getting rid of the root or record element when using XML?