Syntax error in formula

I’m getting a syntax error for this formula, but can’t figure out why:

if field(Account) == 'NicolasLLC' then 'DGillespie' elseif field(Account) == 'QuitzonInc' then 'TMonk' else this end

It looks right to me, so I’m missing something …

I see two problems: Account must be wrapped in quotes and “elseif” should be “elsif”.

Thank you! Feeling like a bat here …

Now that I’ve fixed the silly errors, I updated my formula. But I still get a syntax error. Maybe I’m still just overlooking something else obvious.

"Syntax error in formula 'if field('Account') == 'Nicolas LLC' then 'D. Gillespie' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Quitzon Inc' then 'T. Monk' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Bruen' then 'B. Holiday' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Prosacco and Kuphal' then 'D. Gillespie' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Medhurst and Sons' then 'D. Gillespie' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Cummings Inc' then 'C. Baker' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Pfannerstill-Wilderman' then 'L. Armstrong' 
elsif field('Account') == 'O'Conner-Turner' then 'D. Gillespie' 
elsif field('Account') == 'Baumbach LLC' then 'T. Monk'
else 'M. Roach' end'"

I’ve found the error, it’s the name “O’Conner”. I wonder if it would be useful to prevent special characters in names, or at least ones with a single quote. Those wouldn’t work in a formula like the one I’ve got.