Removing quotes from custom field output

I am creating schemas that I am in turn using to insert data into sql. One of the fields in the sql table is varbinary. I am currently using a custom field with the value I took from another row in sql as it can just be the same for my purposes.

The problem I run into is that there are single quotes around the value in the sql file I generate from Mockaroo so that when it goes to insert, I get an error saying Implicit conversion from data type varchar(max) to varbinary(max) is not allowed. Use the Convert function to run this query.

If I remove the quotes manually, it will insert fine.

Is there some way to remove the quotes so they aren’t included in the Mockaroo output at all? Or is there something else I should do?


Actually, I figured out that I could do this via SQL Expression instead of custom and it worked for me.