Possible to test a funnel?

I am trying to generate data for a funnel. So something like stage1, stage2, stage3. The user can always enter stage1. The user can only enter stage2 if they’ve entered stage1. The user can only enter stage3 if they’ve entered stage2.

Imagine this table. UserID, GameID, StageID, DateTimeStamp.

I want to simulate a user passing through the different stages in different games and know the time they achieved this. So in order for stage2 to be the value in the StageID, there would have to be a previously generated row with the same UserID and GameID with StageID equaling stage1.

I guess the question is, can I base a formula off of a previously generated row (as opposed to the current row)?

Sounds like you will need to use datasets and have multiple schemas. Stage1 schema, build dataset, Stage 2 schema will use Stage1 as a dataset, build stage 2 dataset, etc. etc.