Formula passes syntax check but generates all null values

I have a table with an employee appraisal rating column and a summary column. I want the contents of the summary column tied to the value in the rating column. I tried using this formula, and it passes the formula syntax check, but instead of summary text, it generates “null” every time:

if field(‘appraisalRating’) == ‘1’ then ‘Does not meet expectations’
elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == ‘2’ then ‘Needs improvement’
elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == ‘3’ then ‘Fully meets expectations’
elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == ‘4’ then ‘Exceeds performance expectations’
elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == ‘5’ then ‘Significantly exceeds expectations’

Rating appears before summary in the table, so rating should be populated first, and then summary can be populated based on rating, yet I keep getting “null.” What am I doing wrong? I tried using something generic like “number” for the summary field type, and putting my formula into the pop-up formula box in order to replace the number; and I also tried using “formula” as the field type and pasting the whole formula into the options. Both had the same result: “null” instead of summary text.

Solved my own problem. After fooling around some more I discovered I needed to remove the single quotes around the rating numbers since they are really numbers, and not just text. Using this:

if field(‘appraisalRating’) == 1 then ‘Does not meet expectations’ elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == 2 then ‘Needs improvement’ elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == 3 then ‘Fully meets expectations’ elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == 4 then ‘Exceeds performance expectations’ elsif field(‘appraisalRating’) == 5 then ‘Significantly exceeds expectations’ end

works perfectly. Derp.