Forcing quotes around numbers for JSON

The JSON parser we’re using wants numbers in a string format (ie: in quotes) to prevent any unwanted re-formatting in process. How do I force a field to produce something like…
“mynumber” : “12345.66” instead of
“mynumber” : 12345.55

Probably not the best way of doing it; for some reason escaped quotes are “invalid syntax” in Mockaroo, so you can add fx to a Number field with:
concat("", this, "")
to get your number surrounded in quotation marks.

thx! appreciated. strings allow us to ‘proactively’ avoid input problems with big numbers

How about using a character sequence instead of a number field? You can specify the format as #####.## and that will produce a number in quotes like “12345.67”

Yep, if you want a fixed number of digits then that’d be the best way